Friday, October 24, 2008

Hey all, I hope this fall is finding everyone well. It is hard to believe that 3 years has gone by since we all lived together. Well, as many of you know, Jen (who some of you met) and I married the spring following London and I promptly joined her in Houston Texas. But alas, Texas and the Wrathalls were never meant to be --as soon as Jen finished her MPH, we headed for greener pastures. At about that time, I, discontent without a Doctorate, applied for graduate school in Salt Lake City at the University of Utah. So here we are getting a Ph.D in Comparative International Sociology (thanks to Renata for introducing me to sociology while in London).

I teach Social Psychology at the University while I finish up my coursework next semester and then on to my dissertation. Meanwhile, Jen oversees the Utah health data collection at the Utah Dept. of Health. I can't have imagined a more eventful year since we moved here--my mother and grandmother passed away, my dad married my college mentor, and Jen's parents have both put roots here in Salt Lake. In the Spring of this year, Jen and I bought a "Painted Lady" Victorian downtown.

We're also expecting a little girl this coming March--that's all we know--she's a healthy 21 weeks along. It seems every semester brings another big life challenge. I am starting to wonder what else can happen?


Lisa and Mark said...

Wow! Congratulations on the baby!! (the Painted Lady, too). I'm so glad that through all the struggles you have someone you trust so much with you. So glad to hear what you guys are up to! Don't let this be your last post!

Ali Jo said...

LOVED hearing from you. i wish i was a student in your class! i'm sure you are a captivating teacher. congrats on the nest and nest egg. keep us posted.

heather said...

That IS an eventful year. Our condolences and congratulations. And I agree with Lisa-- don't be a stranger. Your life sounds way too interesting to miss.